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Resumen de Actividad tectónica en el Noroeste Peninsular, en base a los registros de los depósitos costeros de los últimos 130.000 años (Rías Arosa-Pontevedra, Galicia)

Antonio Miguel Martínez Graña, José Luis Goy Goy, Caridad Zazo

  • Marine deposits located between 0 and 5 m topographic elevation (above mean high tide level) outcropping along the Ría de Arosa-Ría de Pontevedra coast recorded paleosea-levels development during the Last and Present Interglacials periods (OIS 5, OIS 1).

    A normal fault system with N160°E orientation was the main control on topographic elevation of the Last Interglacial marine deposits and aeolian.

    Colluvial accumulation during the Last Glacial Period. Sedimentary structures observed in colluvial deposits suggest a paleoseismic origin.

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