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Resumen de Principales rasgos tectónicos de la Bahía de Cádiz durante el Cuaternario terminal

Juan Tomás Vázquez, Estefanía Llave Barranco, Francisco Javier Hernández Molina, Francisco López Aguayo

  • A detail tectonic and stratigraphic analysis has been carried out in the External Zone of the Bay of Cadiz, by means of a dense network of very high and high resolution seismic profiles. The acoustic basement show a set of very smooth anticlines and synclines folds generated by an active roll-over structure in relation with normal listric faults determined in the continental margin. The city of Cadiz is located on a tectonic high characterised by an anticline structure with a minor secondary anticline associated. This fold show a NNW-SSE orientation in the City of Cadiz to NNE-SSW in the Calera and Diamante highs in the External Bay and deform the acoustic basement and at least the RST+LST and the early TST units of the last depositional sequence of the Late Quaternary. Two systems of normal faults have been determined with an orientation WNW-ESE and NW-SE to NNW-SSE. The WNW-ESE fracture system, is the main system of study area and affects to the last HST unit of the Late Holocene. This system is not determine onland.

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