In this review, we will explore the origin of the hypersensivity reactions which has become a major health problem with an increasing incidence in developed countries. For that aim, the main hypotheses of the hypersensitive reactions, the hygiene and microbiota hypotheses or Old Friend Mechanisms, are going to be explained. In the last years, the hygiene hypothesis has been replaced with the microbiota hypothesis due to diverse reasons, having an enormous importance the hygiene measures in the transmission of infectious diseases in high populations, and being misunderstood the hygiene concept. Also, the factors that influence in the hypersensitive reactions problems, such as the wrong use of antibiotics, the inappropriate diet or genetics factors, are going to be reviewed and discussed. In conclusion, the modernization process of the humanity, the inappropriate lifestyle and the excessive use of invasive medical practises have a negative effect in the microorganisms that are in contact with humans, increasing the incidence of hypersensitive reactions.
Berrikuspen honetan, gaur egun geroz eta intzidentzia handiagoa duten eta herrialde garatuetako osasun-arazo garrantzitsu bilakatu diren hipersentiberatasun-arazoen jatorria aztertzen da. Horretarako, hipersentiberatasun-arazoen jatorriaren inguruan sortutako hipotesi nagusiak azaltzen dira: «Higienearen hipotesia» eta «Mikrobiotaren hipotesia» edo «Old Friends mechanism». Azken urteetan, Higienearen hipotesia atzean utzi, eta Mikrobiotaren hipotesia hobestera pasa izana argudiatzen da. Gainera, higiene-neurriek populazio handietako gaixotasun infekziosoen prebentzioan duten garrantzia, eta «higiene» kontzeptuaren gainean dagoen gaizki-ulertua argitzen dira. Azkenik, hipersentiberatasun-arazoen gainean eragiten duten faktore garrantzitsuenez hitz egiten da, antibiotikoen gehiegizko erabilera eta dieta desegokitik hasi eta faktore genetikoetaraino. Laburbilduz, hipersentiberatasun-arazoen jatorriaren gakoa gizakion modernizazio-prozesuan dagoela esan daiteke: urbanizazio eta industrializazio masiboan, bizi-ohitura desegokietan eta mediku praktika inbasiboen neurriz kanpoko erabileran, besteak beste.
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