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Resumen de A Tour of the Battleground: The Seven Circles of Pan-European Memory

Claus Leggewie, Friderike Heuer

  • We have no money, no collection and no location. This used to be Krzystof Pom ian’s succinct answer, delivered with an im pish smile, to the question of what one could expect to see in the planned Musée de l’Europe in Brussels. We found out last fall, during the museum ’s inauguration, that the museologist, born in Warsaw but who has long been living in Paris, has been able to rectify these deficits. The exhibit, located in the beautiful Thurn and Taxis Palace, is called “C’est notre histoire. 50 ans de l’histoire europeénne” (It’s Our History. 50 Years of European History), and is well w orth seeing.

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