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Resumen de Methodological, pedagogical & didactic exchange with the player. Optimization of the decisión-making system in youth football

Isaac Guerrero, Xavier Damunt

  • Preliminary considerations. Through the analysis of football both at the general level of competition and at the level of individual matches we can confirm that unpredictability constitutes the defining characteristic of the sport. Football is based on a series of perceptual-cognitive demands. These form the basis of our intervention as coaches since the tasks and play situations in football are predominantly perceptual-cognitive and take place in a constantly evolving setting. Before this observable reality, there is a clear answer as to what the backbone of our methodology should be: the optimization of this decision-making system in an attempt to overcome upon the traditional PAD + E (Perception – Analysis – Decision + Execution) and allow for concepts such as cognition, emergence, emotion, etc.

    (Damunt & Guerrero, 2018), which are closely linked to neuro training.

    Essentially, we’re talking about adapting to the reality of football, which, if not the most complex of all sports, ranks high among them. As far as we’ve been able to observe, football is the sport with the highest degree of uncertainty; it is a chaotic discipline for two main reasons:

    - Coordination is executed by a non-dominant limb: the legs. This point alone is already a clear indication of just how complicated it may be for players to take decisions in advance, to anticipate decisions, at least in close proximity to the ball.

    - The same non-dominant limb in charge of executing the coordinative structure of the motor action is, at the same time, also responsible for moving the body through space and shifting its axis.

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