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Resumen de Jarritos metálicos con tapadera y asa acodada de al-Andalus (siglos XII-XIII d.C.)

Rafael Azuar Ruiz

  • español

    Presentamos el inventario y estudio de los jarritos con tapadera aparecidos en al-Andalus. Son de tipo piriforme con asa acodada y  tapadera, y presentan una decoración facetada o elipsoide. Sus precedentes son los jarritos fatimíes de tradición copta, de los siglos X-XI  y son una muestra de la metalistería andalusí de los siglos XII-XIII.


  • English

    We present the inventory and study of the ewers with lid found in al-Andalus. These ewers are piri-form type with angled handle and lid, and has the collar moulding in their necks. Their bodies are facetted vertically or with an ellipsoidal incised decoration. Its precedents are the Fatimid ewers from Coptic tradition, of the centuries X-XI, and are a sample of the Andalusian metalwork from the XII-XIII centuries.

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