El reto principal al que debera hacer frente el derecho en el futuro es la defensa del ser humano frente al poder incontrolado de la tecnologia en diferentes campos: la ecologia, frente a la aparicion de una nueva era geologica: el Antropoceno; las finanzas, frente a la especulacion y el fraude fiscal; el bioderecho, frente al riesgo transhumanista; el derecho a la intimidad y la no manipulacion frente a GAF (Google, Amazon, Facebook).
The main challenge that Law will have to face in the near future is the defense of human being against the uncontrolled power of technology in different spheres: ecology versus the becoming of a new geological age: the Anthropocene; the finances, versus speculation and taxes fraud; biolaw, versus the transhumanist challenge; the rights to privacy and no manipulation versus GAF( Google, Amazon, Facebook).
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