San Sebastián, España
Ultramaratoia maratoia baino luzeagoa den lasterketari deitzen zaio. Gaur egun lasterketa mota hauek gorakada handia izan dutenez, osasunean izan ditzaketen ondorioak aztertzeko helburuarekin artikulu hau idaztea pentsatu dugu, alde batetik, bibliografiak zer dioen ikusiz, eta, bestetik, 2017. urtean antolatu zen Ehunmilak lasterketa-multzoan egindako artatzeak aztertuz. Uptodate erabiliz, bilaketa egin dugu kirolaren inguruan dauden gaixotasunei buruz eta multzoka aztertu eta ondo xehatu ditugu. Datu-bilketa 2017. urteko uztailaren 7tik 9ra egin zen Ehunmilak lasterketa multzoan Gurutze Gorriak bildutako artatze-datuetatik egin dugu. Bibliografia eta datuak aztertuz, garbi ikusten da gaitz ohikoenak arinak diren azaleko asaldurak direla (babak gehiengoetan), zaintiratu eta lesio muskularrak ere ohikoak izanik. Dena den, badira ere larriagoak diren gertaerak eta horien aurrean prest egotea gomendagarria da, maila egokiko antolakuntza-sistema bat eraikiz.
Races so called Ultramarathon are those longer than a marathon. Nowadays these kinds of races are becoming more usual than they were some years ago. We have written this paper in order to learn about the consecuences of such long races on the health of the athletes. As a first step we review available bibliography on this topic. At the same time we performed a review about medical events registred during the Ehunmilak ultramarathon 2017th. Using the cientific knowledge platform Uptodate, we have done a research about illnesses related to sport practice, followed by a detailed classification of those diseases in different categories. We use medical assistance data collected by Gurutze Gorria between 7 and 9 of July of 2017 to build our data base. Once bibliography and data were reviewed, we concluded that most common sport practice related illnesses are light skin disorders (blisters mostly), and that sprains and muscular injuryes are also commonly finded. However, there are some more serious events and it is advisable to be prepared, building a high level organization system.
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