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Resumen de Ventajas y desventajas de las tic en la educación “Desde la primera infancia hasta la educación superior”

Liliana Patricia Quiroga, Soraya Jacqueline Jaramillo Mediavilla, Olga Lucia Vanegas

  • español

    Hoy al hablar de Educación, inevitablemente la encontramos vinculada de alguna manera a las nuevas tecnologías por aquella influencia que ejercen en todos los medios sociales, familiares y profesionales en los que nos movemos, utilizada como una herramienta de trabajo y entretenimiento dentro y fuera del aula de clase. Son muchas las ventajas que nos ofrecen las TIC, pues podemos acceder a la información en cualquier momento, fortaleciendo la propia iniciativa de quienes las utilizan, desarrollando habilidades individuales, ofreciendo la posibilidad de aprendizaje a nuestro propio ritmo; se puede tener una interacción sin barreras geográficas, momentos lúdicos y una gran gama de posibilidades de distracción a la mano. Las tecnologías van integrándose en la vida cotidiana de los niños, niñas, jóvenes, adultos, a un ritmo acelerado y funcional para este nuevo estilo de vida tan moderno, y van provocado un gran cambio en los entornos en que se mueve el ser humano, mejorando la productividad y la calidad de la enseñanza

  • English

    Today when talking about Education, we inevitably find it linked in some way to new technologies because of its influence on all the social, family and professional media in which we operate, used as a tool for work and entertainment inside and outside the classroom class.There are many advantages offered by ICT, because we can access information at any time, strengthening the initiative of those who use it, developing individual skills, offering the possibility of learning at our own pace; you can have an interaction without geographical barriers, playful moments and a wide range of distraction possibilities at hand.The technologies are integrated into the daily life of children, young people, adults at an accelerated and functional pace for this new modern lifestyle, and that are causing a great change in the environments that the human being moves, improving the productivity and quality of teaching.Teachers have the ability to create content, procedures, methods, updates, strategies according to the needs of a group and each student in particular. It allows greater interaction of the students so that they are more dynamic and active. Many traditional schemes are being changed in education, developing new procedures and teaching-learning models such as the Inverted Classroom, Gamification, (PBL) Project-Based Learning, and the most dynamic evaluations with the possibility of Feedback. It facilitates the approach and direct participation of families in the education of their children. It is important to add that it increases the motivation of the students, generating more interest, a higher level of cooperation, we improve communication, promoting creativity and allowing the development of critical thinking.The risks or disadvantages also appear, unfortunately, as reaching high levels of addiction, generating greater distractions, wasting time, social isolation, obtaining incomplete or filtered information, cyberbullying or harassment through networks, lack of privacy among others .... But this is where we must act proactively to enjoy the advantages and prevent the disadvantages.

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