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Resumen de El límite Cretácico/Terciario de la Formación Peñalver (Cuba occidental): observaciones tafonómicas, paleoecológicas y paleogeográficas

Reinaldo Rojas Consuegra

  • A taphonomic analysis was made about the rudists fauna present in the lower member of thePehalver Formation, an extraordinary thick Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) deposit located in WesternCuba at the Caribbean region. The integration of paleontological, sedimentological andstratigraphic data made possible to depict the paleosource region, which was composed by acarbonate platform (Maastrichtian) and eventually, the extent cretaceous volcanic arc. Allfeatures tend to point this region as the main target territory by the K/T tsunamis, with theconsequential destruction of the late Maastrichtian marine environments, and the suddenlycatastrophic extinction of the life at this basin.

Fundación Dialnet

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