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Resumen de Sintomas psicopatológicos, estratégias de resolução de problemas e saúde do recém-nascido no período perinatal

Ana Paula Forte Camarneiro, Joao Rosado de Miranda Justo

  • English

    Background: The perinatal period is a factor of vulnerability for women and men. Mechanisms of problems resolution are important for a healthy living during perinatality and for the health of baby. Goals: To understand the relationship between psychopathological symptoms (PPS) and problems’ resolution (PR) during pregnancy and postpartum, in women and men; to compare PPS and PR between pregnancy and postpartum in women and men; to analyze the differences in SPP on the one hand and on the other hand, according on the baby s health at birth. Methods: Longitudinal and prospective study. Sample of 134 women and men. Assessment in pregnancy, delivery and post-partum. Instruments: Socio-demographic and Clinical Questionnaire; BSI (Derogatis, 1993); IRP (Vaz-Serra, 1988). Results: Between PPS and PR the significant correlations are negative. Positive and significant correlations were found for PPS and PR between pre and postnatal periods in women and men. Exceptions were passive abandonment (PA-PR) in women and confronting and active resolution of problems (CARP-PR) in men. For women, during postnatal period, significant increases were found in: obsessions-compulsions, interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, symptoms general index, index of positive symptoms (IPS) and internal/external control of problems (IECP-PR). In the same period, men presented increases in IECP and ISP. The baby s health at birth was no different according to PPS and RP women and men in pregnancy, although the prenatal depression of men having babies with problems were higher, with marginal significance. Women having babies with health problems at birth presented averages significantly lower in solicitude for help (SFH-PR) at postpartum. The fathers showed a similar result, with marginal significance. Conclusions: During perinatal period, women present different and more complex pathways than men. A worsening of the psychological state is observed during the transition from pre to postnatal period because they have post-natal psychopathological higher symptoms in number and intensity. Women having babies with health problems at birth present difficulty in solicitude for help at postnatal period. In men a high consistency is observed between pre and postnatal data of psychological variables. Therefore, it is necessary to provide psychological support to women in this stage of life.The perinatal period is a factor of vulnerability for women and men. Mechanisms of problems resolution are important for a healthy living during perinatality and for the health of baby. Goals: To understand the relationship between psychopathological symptoms (PPS) and problems’ resolution (PR) during pregnancy and postpartum, in women and men; to compare PPS and PR between pregnancy and postpartum in women and men; to analyze the differences in SPP on the one hand and on the other hand, according on the baby s health at birth. Methods: Longitudinal and prospective study. Sample of 134 women and men. Assessment in pregnancy, delivery and post-partum. Instruments: Socio-demographic and Clinical Questionnaire; BSI (Derogatis, 1993); IRP (Vaz-Serra, 1988). Results: Between PPS and PR the significant correlations are negative. Positive and significant correlations were found for PPS and PR between pre and postnatal periods in women and men. Exceptions were passive abandonment (PA-PR) in women and confronting and active resolution of problems (CARP-PR) in men. For women, during postnatal period, significant increases were found in: obsessions-compulsions, interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, symptoms general index, index of positive symptoms (IPS) and internal/external control of problems (IECP-PR). In the same period, men presented increases in IECP and ISP. The baby s health at birth was no different according to PPS and RP women and men in pregnancy, although the prenatal depression of men having babies with problems were higher, with marginal significance. Women having babies with health problems at birth presented averages significantly lower in solicitude for help (SFH-PR) at postpartum. The fathers showed a similar result, with marginal significance. Conclusions: During perinatal period, women present different and more complex pathways than men. A worsening of the psychological state is observed during the transition from pre to postnatal period because they have post-natal psychopathological higher symptoms in number and intensity. Women having babies with health problems at birth present difficulty in solicitude for help at postnatal period. In men a high consistency is observed between pre and postnatal data of psychological variables. Therefore, it is necessary to provide psychological support to women in this stage of life.

  • português

    Enquadramento: O período perinatal constitui vulnerabilidade psicológica para mulheres ehomens. Mecanismos de resolução de problemas poderão ser importantes na vivência saudável da perinatalidade e na saúde do bebé. Objetivos: Compreender a relação entre sintomas psicopatológicos (SPP) e resolução de problemas (RP) na gravidez e pós-parto, em mulheres e homens; comparar SPP e RP entre gravidez e pós-parto em mulheres e homens; analisar as diferenças nos SPP por um lado e na RP por outro lado, consoante a saúde do bebé ao nascer. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal e prospetivo. Amostra de 134 mulheres e homens na gravidez, parto e pós-parto. Instrumentos: Questionário Sociodemográfico e Clínico; BSI (Derogatis, 1993); IRP (Vaz-Serra, 1988). Resultados: Entre BSI e IRP, as correlações significativas são negativas. Entre períodos pré e pós-natal, mulheres e homens mostraram correlação positiva significativa nos SPP e na RP (exceto abandono passivo, nas mulheres, e confronto e resolução ativa dos problemas, nos homens). No período pós-natal, mulheres aumentaram significativamente obsessões-compulsões, sensibilidade interpessoal, depressão, hostilidade, ideação paranóide, psicoticismo, índice geral de sintomas, índice de sintomas positivos (ISP), e controlo interno/externo dos problemas (CIE). Os homens aumentaram ISP e CIE. A saúde do bebé ao nascer não foi diferente conforme SPP e RP das mulheres e homens na gravidez, embora a depressão pré-natal dos homens que vieram a ter bebés com problemas estivesse mais elevada, com significância marginal. No pós-parto, mães de bebés com problemas pontuaram menos na RP pedido de ajuda. Nos pais, observou-se resultado semelhante, com significância marginal. Conclusões: No período perinatal, as mulheres apresentam trajetória diferentes e mais complexas que os homens. As mulheres têm sintomas psicopatológicos pósnatais em maior número e intensidade. Mães de bebés com problemas ao nascer mostram dificuldade em pedir ajuda no período pós-natal. Nos homens existe grande concordância nas variáveis psicológicas pré e pós-natais. É necessário prestar apoio psicológico às mulheres nesta fase da vida.

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