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Resumen de Visão dos pais sobre a participação de seus filhos em um programa esportivo social

Carlos Guelton Martins Guimarães, Aparecida da Siomara Silva, Jenipher Emanuelle de Lima Campos Zampier

  • English

    The aim of this study was to point out the parents' overview about the participation of their children in a Social Sports Program , the Second Time Program ( PST- UFOP ). The methodology was based on the application of a questionnaire consisting of 23 questions that were grouped and described by subject and, in each subject, were identified the most frequent responses. From these responses, it was observed that parents attribute great importance to the participation of their children in PST- UFOP, highlighting the promotion of activities that would not be available to children for financial constraints. There is a need for additional studies that provide a more comprehensive assessment of social sports programs through the perspective of other participants, as the beneficiaries themselves, monitors and coordinators.

  • português

    Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi apontar os pontos de vista dos pais sobre a participação de seus filhos em um programa esportivo social, o Programa Segundo Tempo. Métodos: Participaram 106 pais responsáveis por 145 beneficiados. A metodologia partiu da aplicação de um questionário, composto por 23 perguntas que foram agrupadas e descritas por temas, em cada tema foram apontadas as respostas mais frequentes. Foram descritos os conteúdos das temáticas amizades e comportamento escolar, mudanças individuais, amizades e comportamento social, comportamento motor e opiniões gerais sobre o programa. Resultados: A partir das respostas apontadas, foi possível observar que os pais atribuem grande importância à participação de seus filhos no programa, destacando a promoção de atividades que não seriam disponibilizadas aos filhos por limitações financeiras. Conclusão: Há a necessidade de estudos complementares que possibilitem uma avaliação dos programas sociais esportivos sob o olhar de outros participantes como os próprios beneficiados, os monitores e os coordenadores. ABSTRACT. Parents’ overiew about the participation of their children in a social sports program. Objective: The aim of this study was to point out the parents’ overview about the participation of their children in a Social Sports Program, the Second Time Program. Methods: It has participated 106 parents responsible for 145 beneficiaries. The methodology was based on the application of a questionnaire consisting of 23 questions that were grouped and described by subject and, in each subject, were identified the most frequent responses. It was decribe the contents of the topics of schoolar friendships and behavior, individual changes, friendships and social behavior, motor behavior and general opinions about the program were described. Results: From these responses, it was observed that parents attribute great importance to the participation of their children in program, highlighting the promotion of activities that would not be available to children for financial constraints. Conclusion: There is a need for additional studies that provide a more comprehensive assessment of social sports programs through the perspective of other participants, as the beneficiaries themselves, monitors and coordinators.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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