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Resumen de La dimensione europea di Michele Tedesco attraverso alcune nuove acquisizioni. Pagine da un manoscritto inedito, su Morelli, l'Italia e la crisi di fine secolo

Isabella Valente

  • Since 2012, through an exhibition organized in Potenza, the studies dedicated to Michele Tedesco (1834-1917), painter, intellectual and critic, systematically reappeared. After having studied in Naples, Tedesco moved to Florence, where he had a remarkable role within the group of the Tuscan Macchiaioli, weaving relationships with Adriano Cecioni, Telemaco Signorini and Diego Martelli. From the city of Florence, his horizons and network of relations moved towards Europe: at a first time to Germany, where he met the artists of Monaco, and then to France and England. So his paintings, influenced by the Macchiaioli group, became full of sysbolistic values and Middle-European heritage, and they acquired scial and moral tone, once he came back to Naples. This contribution has the purpose to highlight the latest acquisitions, as regards both the works and the new knowledge related to this artist. Moreover, the recovery of an important handwritten text reveals Tedesco as an historian and art critic, who consciously participated in the cultural debate of his times.

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