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Resumen de L'ammodernamento settecentesco della cappella del Rosario in San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Luigi Abetti, Carmelo Laganà

  • This study, thanks to the bibliographical examination and a strict archival research, identifies the property and the historical-artistic and architectural stratification of the chapel of Rosario, which is located within the church of San Domenico Maggiore, in Naples. The purpose of this reconstruction is to demonstrate how the religious Orders, over the centuries, encouraged, through the concessions system, the modernisation of the cult sites, in order to make them compatible with the precepts of the Counter-Reformation. Moreover, from an historical-architectural point of view, we can see how the commission wanted these interventions to be inspired by principles of unity and formal continuity, in order to connect the 'old' (preexisting structures) to the 'new' (furniture and decorations).

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