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Resumen de Agostino Ciampelli e la perduta cripta al Gesù di Roma

Gianluca Petrone

  • Archival documents, printed sources and drawings are used to examine the architecture and decoration of the subterranean chapel of Saints Abundius and Abundantius in the church of the Gesù in Rome, destroyed in 1841-1843 during the restructuring of the chancel. The walls of the sacred space were adorned with frescoes, panel paintings, gilded stucco work and inlaid marble, recalling the refinements of the ancient crypts in the Eternal City. The decorative project, directed by the Jesuit Giovanni Battista Fiammeri, saw the participation of artists of varied origin (Andrea Lilio, Paolo Guidotti, Andrea Commodi), with a prominent role played by Agostino Ciampelli. Hitherto unidentified drawings and unpublished documents enable the author to identify Ciampelli's involvement in the frescoes and in a small paintings made as part of a cycle dedicated to the martyrdom of the two Early Christian saints (1602-1603).

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