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Resumen de Le successioni internazionali nelle relazioni italo-svizzere: un plädoyer per la revisione della convenzione del 1868.

Andrea Bonomi

  • English

    Article 17 of the 1868 Convention between Italy and Switzerland of 22 July 1868 is a notable and early attempt to coordinate the exercise of judicial power in inheritance disputes between the two Contracting States. Conferring jurisdiction to the courts of the deceased's national country, it prevents in an effective way positive conflicts and parallel proceedings. Although conceived as a jurisdictional rule, it has come to be interpreted as including also an unwritten choice of law rule, also based on nationality.

    Notwithstanding its initial advantages, this provision has grown outdated over the years, on both sociological and legal grounds. Although the number of Italians living in Switzerland continues to grow, the sociological reality of the Italian community has deeply evolved. Moreover; the radical changes in the rules on intemational successions applicable in Italy, and the decline of nationality as a connecting factor, notably after the entry into force of the European Succession Regulation, call for a change.

    Although denunciation of the treaty could offer an easy solution, renegotiation would probably represent a more interesting option in order to improve the coordination between the Italian and Swiss legal systems and enhance legal certainty for individuals.

  • italiano

    1. L articolazione tra il regolamento europeo e la convenzione italo-svizzera del 1868. - 2. La norma di competenza giurisdizionale dell'art. 17, un precursore della cooperazione giudiziaria internazionale in materia civile. — 3. L'interpretazione estensiva dell'art. 17, come comprensivo di una regola non scritta sulla legge applicabile. - 4.L'obsolescenza dell'art.17 della convenzione: fattori sociologici. -5. Segue: l'effetto dei cambiamenti radicali intervenuti nel quadro normativo italiano: la legge di riforma del 1995- 6. Segue: l'entrata in vigore del regolamento europeo sulle successioni. - 7.Segue: l'assenza di ragioni impellenti di garantire l'applicazione delle norme successorie italiane. - 8. Quale futuro per la norma convenzionale?

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