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Resumen de Sobre la posición sistemática de los ammonites del Oxfordiense de los Andes Chilenos (Cordillera Domeyko, Chile, Provincia Andina)

Guillermo Meléndez Hevia, R. Myczynski

  • The study of Oxfordian Perisphinctidae (Ammonoidea) from the Andean Province (Chili), shows a marked low share of typically european representatives (Perisphinctinae), the proportion being somewhat higher in the case of true tethyan elements (Passendorferiinae), and specially high for cuban elements (Vinalesphinctes). lt seems, therefore, adequate individualising this last genus and related forms under a new subfamilial taxa: Vinalesphinctinae, nov. lts origin as a true Eastern Pacific Realm group, or else, as a 11peripheral stem1; of Tethyan stock, is still under discussion.

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