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Resumen de The Effectiveness of Life Skills Training on Rumination in Female High School Students

Roya Raeisizadeh, Kourosh Mohammadi

  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of life skills training (problem solving, communication skills and stress management) on decreasing the rumination of female high school students in Bandar Abbas, Iran.

    Methods: In this semi-experimental research, 300 volunteers were randomly selected from two schools. They completed the rumination questionnaire. Then, 25 of those who received the highest scores in each school in the rumination questionnaire were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The experimental group spent 12 sessions of life skills training and again, both groups completed the rumination questionnaire.

    Results: Data were analyzed using one-variable covariance analysis and the results showed that life skills training could be effective in reducing rumination (P <0.05, P = 0.01, P = 10.23, and F). .

    Conclusion: It can be concluded that life skills training (problem solving, stress management and interpersonal relationships) reduces stress and improves students' psychological capabilities, which can be effective in reducing their mental rumination.

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