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Resumen de Minimum size of payment as a social policy instrument: realities and problems

Victoria V. Kookuyeva

  • español

    El artículo plantea los problemas de incumplimiento del tamaño del salario mínimo con garantías constitucionales, el incumplimiento de las funciones sociales y de protección. Se reflejan los problemas de la naturaleza normativa y legal, se subrayan las inconsistencias de las garantías sociales de los ciudadanos trabajadores proclamadas en la Constitución, incluidos los cambios en la legislación que empeoran la situación de los trabajadores. Se dan las estadísticas sobre la dinámica del salario mínimo, el nivel de subsistencia y el índice de precios al consumidor. Se analizó el análisis de la dinámica de los cambios en el tamaño del salario mínimo, el mínimo de subsistencia en la dinámica a lo largo de varios años, el índice de precios al consumidor y el conjunto mínimo y fijo de bienes. Al modelar la situación cuando el mínimo de subsistencia está indexado por la tasa de inflación, su valor sería hoy varias veces más alto. La discrepancia entre el tamaño del salario mínimo y las normas de la Constitución de la Federación de Rusia se revela, mientras que al mismo tiempo hay una tendencia de crecimiento. 

  • English

    The article raises the problems of non-compliance of the size of the minimum wage with constitutional guarantees, non-fulfillment of social and protective functions. The problems of the normative and legal nature are reflected, the inconsistencies of the social guarantees of working citizens proclaimed in the Constitution, including changes in legislation that worsen the situation of workers, are underlined. The statistics on the dynamics of the minimum wage, the subsistence level, and the consumer price index are given. The analysis of the dynamics of changes in the size of the minimum wage, the subsistence minimum in dynamics over a number of years, the consumer price index, the minimum and fixed set of goods was analyzed. When modeling the situation when the subsistence minimum is indexed by the rate of inflation, its value would be several times higher today. The discrepancy between the size of the minimum wage and the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is revealed, while at the same time there is a positive growth trend. It is calculated that the size of the minimum wage does not affect the per capita income. The analysis of data in the context of regions on the number of people with cash incomes is lower than the subsistence minimum for Russia as a whole and for the subjects of the Russian Federation. It was revealed that the least number of citizens who receive incomes below the subsistence minimum in the central federal district, and most of all poor citizens in the republics of the southern federal district. The poorest workers in the sphere of education, and in the sphere of mining, most workers receive high salaries. An analysis of the relationship between the minimum wage and the unemployment rate does not allow for unambiguous conclusions. The author has compiled a correlation-regression model of the dependence of the average per capita income of the population on the size of the minimum wage and the nominal wage, which has proved that the minimum wage has a negligible impact on income growth. This indicates a low social function of the minimum wage. A set of measures is proposed to achieve a minimum wage of reasonable level, a calculation formula is proposed.

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