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Resumen de La trasmissione di un Passionario antico in un testimone recentior: ricerche sul ms. Torino, Bibl. Naz., F.III. 16.

Riccardo Macchioro

  • The ms. Torino, Bibl. Naz., F.III. 16 (Bobbio Abbey, Xth c.) conveys an outstanding collection of hagiographic texts, made of early medieval translations from Greek into Latin and of Passiones of Roman martyrs: most of them feature ancient textual traits that have not survived in any other codex. Through philological and codicological evidence, it is argued that this collection preserves an ancient, "originary" Passionary arranged in 7th-cent. Rome. We do not know how it reached Bobbio, but it was preserved there and, eventually, copied in the Turin manuscript. An updated status quaestionis for each text of the collection is provided, including new philological remarks about their relationships with the redactions transmitted by the other witnesses.

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