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Resumen de Equisingularity of map germs from a surface to the plane

Juan José Nuño Ballesteros, B. Oréfice, Joao Nivaldo Tomazella

  • Let (X, 0) be an ICIS of dimension 2 and let ?:(?,0)→(ℂ2,0) be a map germ with an isolated instability. We look at the invariants that appear when ?? is a smoothing of (X, 0) and ??:??→?? is a stabilization of f. We find relations between these invariants and also give necessary and sufficient conditions for a 1-parameter family to be Whitney equisingular. As an application, we show that a family (??,0) is Zariski equisingular if and only if it is Whitney equisingular and the numbers of cusps and double folds of a generic linear projection are constant with respect to t.

Fundación Dialnet

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