Ainara Santamaría Barinagarrementería
Artikulu honen helburua Mikel Laboaz esparru zientifikoan idatzi denari buruzko ikuspegi orokorra ematea da, arreta berezia eskainiz kantariaren alde esperimentalaz esaten denari. Horretarako, euskal komunitate zientifikoaren datubasea, Inguma, hartuko da erreferentzia nagusitzat eta bertan biltzen diren Mikel Laboari buruzko euskarazko lanen analisia egingo da. Analisi bibliografiko honen bidez, Laboak euskal kulturgintzari egindako ekarpen berritzailea azaleratu asmo da, bere musikagintzaz orain arte egin diren hausnarketak osatuz.
The target of this article is to have a general vision about the scientific information written about Mikel Laboa, focusing on the experimental music composed by the musician. The article is based on the information of the basque scientific community Inguma and a variery of studies about Mikel Laboa are going to be analysed. This bibliographycal analysis pretends to divulge the innovative contribution to the basque culture made by this songwriter. Likewise, the aim of this article is to complete the reflexion about Laboa’s work carried out until these days.
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