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Resumen de A Igrexa de Lugo e o Movemento nacional

Adolfo de Abel Vilela

  • galego

    No período da posguerra a xerarquía católica e os eclesiásticos, reeditaron a tradicional alianza do trono e do Altar da monarquía absoluta co réxime de Franco. En diversas cerimonias relixiosas participan políticos, xeralmente falanxistas. É a loita entre España e a anti España, a relixión e o ateísmo, a civilización cristiá e a barbarie.

  • English

    In the post-war period the Catholic hierarchy an the ecclesiastics, republished the traditional alliance of the throne and the Altar of absolute monarchy with the regime of Franco. In various religious ceremonies, politicians would participate, mostly falangists. It was the struggle between Spain and anti-Spain, religion and atheism, Christian civilization and barbarism.

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