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Resumen de Nivel de conocimiento sobre implantes dentales. Facultad de Estomatología. 2014-2015

Orlando Guerra Cobián, Clara Sánchez Silot

  • español

    Introducción: El nivel de conocimiento de un profesional o de un paciente acerca de un tratamiento es vital para su éxito, y los implantes dentales no resultan ajenos este postulado médico. Objetivos: Identificar el nivel de conocimientos acerca de implantes dentales en profesores, alumnos y pacientes, y relacionar el nivel de conocimiento en estas calificaciones.  Material y método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Facultad de Estomatología “Raúl González Sánchez” entre octubre 2014-febrero 2015. La muestra estuvo constituida por 90 encuestados, y seleccionada al azar incluyendo 30 pacientes, 30 profesores y 30 alumnos; se valoró en un cuestionario único aspectos generales, indicaciones, procederes y cuidados. Los resultados fueron evaluados según escala y se determinó el grado de conocimiento de los encuestados total y en los aspectos antes citados. Resultados: Los conocimientos acerca de cuidados y complicaciones estuvieron sujetos a mayor conocimiento (36,68%), los relativos a procedimientos los menos conocidos (12,24%). La calificación profesor fue la de mayor grado de conocimiento. Conclusiones: La muestra estudiada exhibió un valor de bajo grado de conocimiento cercano a su mitad, y no se reportaron diferencias significativas entre el nivel de conocimiento de las calificaciones alumnos, pacientes y profesores.Palabras clave: Nivel de conocimiento, implantes dentales, profesores, alumnos, pacientes. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The level of knowledge in professionals and patients about a treatment is very important in its success, and the dental implants also are included in this medical postulate. Objectives: To identify the knowledge level about dental implants in professors, students and patients, to relate the level of knowledge in these qualifications. Material and Method: A descriptive transversal study was carried out in the Dentistry College of Havana October2014-february 2015. The sample was constituted by 90 interviewed, which included 30 patients, 30 professors and 30 students at random, it was valued in a questionnaire general only aspects, indications, procedures and cares. The results were evaluated according to scale and the grade of knowledge was determined of those interviewed total and in the mentioned aspects. Results: The knowledge about cares and complications were subject to more knowledge (36,68%), the relatives to procedures the less well-known ones(12,24%). Conclusions: The studied sample exhibited a low grade of knowledge in near its half, and significant differences were not reported among the level of knowledge of the qualifications students, patient and professors.Key words: Knowledge level, dental implants, professors, students, patients.

  • English

    Introduction: the level of knowledge in professionals and patients about a treatment is very important in its success, and the dental implants also are included in this medical postulate. Objectives: to identify the knowledge level about dental implants in professors, students and patients, to relate the level of knowledge in these qualifications. Material and Method: a descriptive transversal study was carried out in the Dentistry College of Havana October2014-february 2015. The sample was constituted by 90 interviewed, which included 30 patients, 30 professors and 30 students at random, it was valued in a questionnaire general only aspects, indications, procedures and cares. The results were evaluated according to scale and the grade of knowledge was determined of those interviewed total and in the mentioned aspects. Results: the knowledge about cares and complications were subject to more knowledge (36,68%), the relatives to procedures the less well-known ones(12,24%). Conclusions: the studied sample exhibited a low grade of knowledge in near its half, and significant differences were not reported among the level of knowledge of the qualifications students, patient and professors.Key words: knowledge level, dental implants, professors, students, patients.

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