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Resumen de Highly Skilled International Migration, STEM Workers, and Innovation

Anelí María Bongers Chicano, María del Carmen Díaz Roldán, José Luis Torres Chacón

  • This paper studies the implications of highly skilled labor international migration in a two-country Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model. The model considers three types of workers: STEM workers, non-STEM college educated workers, and non-college educated workers. Only high skilled workers can move internationally from the relative low productivity (sending) country to the high productivity (host) country. Aggregate productivity in each economy is a function of innovations, which can be produced only by STEM workers. The model predicts i) the existence of a wage premium of STEM workers relative to non-STEM college educated workers, ii) this wage premium is higher in the destination country and increases with positive technological shocks, iii) a reduction in migration costs increases output, wages and total labor in the destination country, with opposite e⁄ects in the country of origin, and iv) high skilled immigrants reduce skilled native labor and do not a⁄ect unskilled labor

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