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Resumen de Influence of Ammonium on Formation of Mineral-Associated Organic Carbon by an Ectomycorrhizal Fungus

Peng-tao Wang, Zhaomo Tian, Anders Tunlid, Per Persson

  • Nitrogen (N) availability plays a critical role in the cycling and storage of soil organic matter (SOM). However, large uncertainties remain in predicting the net effect of N addition on soil organic carbon (C) storage due to the complex interactions between organic matter, microbial activity, and mineral particles that determine the formation of stable SOM. Here, we attempted to disentangle the effects of ammonium on these interactions in controlled microcosm experiments including the ectomycorrhizal fungus P.involutus and dissolved organic matter extracted from forest soils. Increased ammonium levels affected the fungal processing of the organic material as well as the secretion of extracellular metabolites. Although ammonium additions did not increase the net production of mineral-adsorbed C, changes in the decomposition and secretion pathways altered the composition of the adsorbed organic matter. These changes may influence the properties of the organic matter-mineral associations and, thus, the stabilization of SOM.

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