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Resumen de Características sociais e antropométricas de idosos que utilizam terapia nutricional enteral em um município da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre-RS

Karli da Silva Brasil, Mariana Ermel Cordova

  • português

    Introdução e objetivo: Caracterizar, de maneira social e antropométrica, a população de idosos usuários de dieta enteral atendidos em um ambulatório de Nutrição na cidade de Canoas. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal, analítico descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado no período de março a abril de 2018. As medidas antropométricas coletadas foram peso, estatura, circunferência do braço e da panturrilha e dobra cutânea tricipital (DCT); além do índice de massa corporal (IMC), adequação da circunferência muscular do braço (CMB) e da DCT para avaliar o diagnóstico nutricional. Foi utilizado o instrumento da mini avaliação nutricional (MAN). Utilizou-se os testes qui-quadrado de Pearson e T-student. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (p<0,05) e as análises foram realizadas no programa SPSS versão 21.0. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 19 participantes, houve predomínio do sexo feminino (63,2%), ensino fundamental incompleto (57,9%) e aposentados (87,5%). A média do IMC, em ambos os sexos, foi de 22 Kg/m² (± 5,2), as mulheres apresentaram percentual de adequação da CMB significativamente maiores (p=0,003), enquanto que os homens apresentaram percentual de adequação da DCT significativamente maiores (p=0,034).De acordo com MAN, todos apresentaram diagnóstico nutricional de desnutrição. Discussão e conclusão: Algumas características socioeconômicas encontradas foram concordantes com os indicadores nacionais para a população de referência. As mulheres apresentaram valores médios maiores para a maioria das variáveis antropométricas, verificando necessidade de ações de saúde que integrem os homens. Essencial a utilização de diferentes ferramentas para melhor diagnóstico nutricional. ABSTRACTSocial and anthropometric characteristics of the elderly who use enteral nutritional therapy in a municipality of the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre-RSObjective: To characterize, in a social and anthropometric way, the population of elderly enteral diet users attended at a Nutrition outpatient clinic in the city of Canoas. Methods: Cross - sectional, descriptive analytical study with quantitative approach, conducted in the Nutrition sector/Canoas, from March to April, 2018. The anthropometric measures were weight, height, arm circumference and calf circumference and tricipital skin fold (TDC); after it was possible to calculate other measures to evaluate the nutritional diagnosis, such as adequacy of arm muscle circumference (AMA) and TDC to evaluate the nutritional diagnosis. The instrument of the mini nutritional assessment (MNA). The tests used were Pearson's chi-square and t-student tests. The significance level adopted was 5% (p <0.05) and the analyzes were performed in the SPSS program version 21.0. Results: The sample consisted of 19 participants, female predominance (63.2%), incomplete primary education (57.9%) and retired (87.5%).The mean BMI, for both sexes, was 22 kg / m² (± 5.2), the women had a significantly higher percentage of AMA adequacy (p = 0.003), while the men presented a percentage of adequacy of the TDC significantly (p = 0.034). With the use of MNA, all the elderly presented nutritional diagnosis of malnutrition. Conclusions: Some socioeconomic characteristics are in agreement with the national indicators for the reference population. The women presented higher mean values for most of the analyzed anthropometric, verifying the need for health actions that integrate men. The use of different tools for better nutritional diagnosis is essential.

  • English

    Objective: To characterize, in a social and anthropometric way, the population of elderly enteral diet users attended at a Nutrition outpatient clinic in the city of Canoas. Methods: Cross - sectional, descriptive analytical study with quantitative approach, conducted in the Nutrition sector/Canoas, from March to April, 2018. The anthropometric measures were weight, height, arm circumference and calf circumference and tricipital skin fold (TDC); after it was possible to calculate other measures to evaluate the nutritional diagnosis, such as adequacy of arm muscle circumference (AMA) and TDC to evaluate the nutritional diagnosis. The instrument of the mini nutritional assessment (MNA). The tests used were Pearson's chi-square and t-student tests. The significance level adopted was 5% (p <0.05) and the analyzes were performed in the SPSS program version 21.0. Results: The sample consisted of 19 participants, female predominance (63.2%), incomplete primary education (57.9%) and retired (87.5%).The mean BMI, for both sexes, was 22 kg / m² (± 5.2), the women had a significantly higher percentage of AMA adequacy (p = 0.003), while the men presented a percentage of adequacy of the TDC significantly (p = 0.034). With the use of MNA, all the elderly presented nutritional diagnosis of malnutrition. Conclusions: Some socioeconomic characteristics are in agreement with the national indicators for the reference population. The women presented higher mean values for most of the analyzed anthropometric, verifying the need for health actions that integrate men. The use of different tools for better nutritional diagnosis is essential.

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