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Resumen de Cuerpos alterados y mundos alterados: semiótica de las otras corporeidades

José Enrique Finol, Dobrila Djukich de Nery

  • español

    Como continuación de investigaciones anteriores sobre el cuerpo, en el presente análisis se proponen y desarrollan los conceptos de cuerpos alterados y mundos alterados, los cuales nos servirán para fundamentar una hipótesis, según la cual existe una relación estrecha y dialéctica entre unos y otros. Después de resumir representaciones previas del cuerpo en la fotografía y en la escultura, la investigación se centra en las representaciones corporales hechas en algunas obras de Picasso y de Botero, para lo cual se revisan definiciones de corporeidad que orienten el análisis. Finalmente se propondrá una clasificación de los tipos de relaciones entre cuerpos alterados y mundos alterados.As a continuation of previous investigations about the body, in the following analysis we propose and develop the concepts of altered bodies and altered worlds, which will be useful to base a hypothesis according to which there is a close and dialectic relationship between one another. After summarizing previous corporeal representations in photography and sculptures, this research focuses in bodily representations made by Picasso and Botero. To carry out the analysis, we take a look to some definitions of corporeity. Finally, we will propose a classification of types of relations between altered bodies and altered worlds.

  • English

    As a continuation of previous investigations about the body, in the following analysis we propose and develop the concepts of altered bodies and altered worlds, which will be useful to base a hypothesis according to which there is a close and dialectic relationship between one another. After summarizing previous corporeal representations in photography and sculptures, this research focuses in bodily representations made by Picasso and Botero. To carry out the analysis, we take a look to some definitions of corporeity. Finally, we will propose a classification of types of relations between altered bodies and altered worlds.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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