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Resumen de Derechos Fundamentales y la Evolución del Control de Constitucionalidad Concentrado en Brasil

Alexandre Douglas Zaidan de Carvalho, Alexandre Araujo Da Costa

  • español

    A pesar de que tradicionalmente ha existido y se ha desarrollado un modelo de control difuso de constitucionalidad, la evolución de la justicia constitucional en los últimos cincuenta años en Brasil se ha destacado por una progresiva expansión de instrumentos que atribuyen directamente a la Suprema Corte la función de admitir y decidir sobre la contradicción entre las leyes y la Constitución. Lo que empezó como una forma de controlar el sistema federativo durante el régimen militar en los años 1960, ha ganado una fuerte dimensión institucional en el modelo constitucional brasileño, en general bajo el discurso de que la concentración de la justicia constitucional en el Supremo Tribunal Federal sirve para tornar más efectivos los derechos fundamentales de los ciudadanos. A partir de los datos recogidos en la investigación “A quem interessa o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade?” y del repaso sobre la historia del modelo de justicia constitucional del país, incluso durante el proceso constituyente entre 1986 y 1988, este artículo intenta hacer una demostración de varios problemas que se han desarrollado en la práctica del control de constitucionalidad hacia la perspectiva de la efectividad de los derechos fundamentales en Brasil.

  • English

    Although traditionally have developed a diffuse model of judicial review, the evolution of the constitutional justice in the last fifty years in Brazil has been highlighted by a progressive expansion of instruments that attach directly to the Supreme Court to admit and decide the contradictions between the statutes and the Constitution. What started as a way to control the federal system even in the military regime in the 1960s, has gained a strong institutional dimension in the Brazilian constitutional model generally under the discourse that atribute to the concentration of the judicial review in the Supreme Court as a way to turn more effective the fundamental rights of citizens. From the data collected in the study, "A quem interessa o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade?" and a brief revision of the brazilian model of constitutional justice, even during the constituent process between 1986 and 1988, this article attempts to demonstrate several problems that have developed in the practice of judicial review from the effectiveness of fundamental rights perspective in Brazil. Although traditionally have developed a diffuse model of judicial review, the evolution of the constitutional justice in the last fifty years in Brazil has been highlighted by a progressive expansion of instruments that attach directly to the Supreme Court to admit and decide the contradictions between the statutes and the Constitution. What started as a way to control the federal system even in the military regime in the 1960s, has gained a strong institutional dimension in the Brazilian constitutional model generally under the discourse that atribute to the concentration of the judicial review in the Supreme Court as a way to turn more effective the fundamental rights of citizens. From the data collected in the study, "A quem interessa o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade?" and a brief revision of the brazilian model of constitutional justice, even during the constituent process between 1986 and 1988, this article attempts to demonstrate several problems that have developed in the practice of judicial review from the effectiveness of fundamental rights perspective in Brazil.

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