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Resumen de Co-creating food tourism experiences in a rural destination

Mariana Carvalho, Joana Lima, Elisabeth Kastenholz

  • This paper suggests the opportunity of improving rural tourism experience through cocreation of food tourism in a Portuguese schist village. Based on a literature review, the tourism co-creation concept is developed and related to rural areas, where rural gastronomy may be a key element to enhance local cuisine and promote unique and attractive experiences (Richards, 2002; Sims, 2009). It is stressed that enhancing sustainable development of rural destinations through co-creative opportunities should be a strategy developed to also allow for unique and memorable experiences, based on local identity, endogenous resources and active involvement of visitors, local residents and supply agents, with the consumer assuming a central role (Grissemann & Stockbuerger-Sauer, 2012; Kastenholz, Carneiro & Marques, 2012; Mathis, Kim, Uysal, Sirgy & Prebense, 2016).

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