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Resumen de La ricerca di una (nuova) sintesi tra interesse superiore del minore «in astratto» e «in concretto» nella riforma del regolamento Bruxelles II-bis

Laura Carpaneto

  • English

    This article provides a critical assessment of the proposal for a recast of the Brussels Ii-bis Regulation in light of the principle of the best interests of the child. More precisely, the proposed amendments (with regard to the structure and the scope of application of the Regulation, the rules on jurisdiction, the rules on the circulation of decision, the hearing of the child and mediation, child abduction and cross-border placement) and hereby considered in the perspective of the synthesis between the conceptual and actual best interests of the child. From the analysis made, it appears that the solutions originally proposed by the Commission, on which the European Parliament has been already consulted, are significantly more suited than in the past to grant protection the child, regardless of the fact that this may lead to the risk of developing a non-uniform application of the rules within the European judicial area. The presidency of the Council of the European Union has recently proposed a document of compromise, which will be the starting point for the discussion in the Council itself and that, on some specific points, differs from the original proposal. With reference to these latter solutions, the questions are, on the one side and under the procedural perspective, whether it is necessary for the Parliament to be consulted again and, on the other side and under a substantial perspective, whether the solutions may be deemed to be compatible with the fundamental rights and, inparticular, with the principle of the best intrests of the child.

  • italiano

    1. Best interests of the child e diritto internazionale privato di origine europea. - 2.L'impatto del principio dei best interests of the child rispetto alla struttura e all'ambito di applicazione de! regolamento. - .3. Le norme in materia di giurisdizione: alcune proposte per una maggiore flessibilità. - 4. Verso una più efficace circolazione dei provvedimenti relativi ai minori: abolizione dell' exequatur e procedura di esecuzione - 5. L'attitudine «pro-attiva» delle nuove norme rispetto all'ascolto del minore e alla mediazione. - 6. L' apprezzamento della situazione de! minore al fine della sua «circolazione» nello spazio giudiziario europeo. - 7. Verso una più intensa protezione dell'interesse superiore nelle norme di diritto internazionale privato di origine europea?

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