A antigüidade das drogas convérteas en contemporáneas e paralelas a manifestacións artísticas coma a literatura. A incidencia destas substancias na creación literaria supera fronteras e lindes temporais, espaciais e lingüísticos pero case sempre comparte unha mesma característica: un marcado carácter subversivo e marxinal. Deste modo, a partir delas é posíbel pensar en similitudes na concepción literaria dos autores que as consumen e, polo tanto, tamén nas súas obras. Partindo desta idea, este traballo ten por obxectivo principal analizar a repercusión de ditas substancias na poesía de Allen Ginsberg e Lois Pereiro a fin de poder comprobar a existencia de semellanzas literarias entre ámbolos dous autores.
The antiquity of drugs makes them contemporary and parallel to artistic manifestations such as literature. The incidence of these substances in literary creation overcomes borders and boundaries, temporal, spatial and linguistic but almost always shares the same characteristic: a marked subversive and marginal character. In this way, from them it is possible to think of similarities in the literary conception of the authors who consume them, and therefore, also in their works. Starting from this idea, this work will have as main objective to analyze the repercussion of these substances in the poetry of Allen Ginsberg and Lois Pereiro in order to test the existence of literary similarities between the two authors.
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