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Resumen de Gamification of bioeconomic prey-predator model

Jelena Minovic, Božo Drašković, Ivan Stošić

  • In this paper we present educational game developed with major aim to educate and raise awareness of people aboutecological issues in reserves of nature. In order to fulfil this aim, we decided to implement simulation game based on prey-predator model. Another part of the game are flesh cards, with questions and answers targeting specific problems andspecies in nature reserves. Case study given in this paper is Special nature reserve Uvac from Serbia. This is the only onereserve in Europe which is the habitat of griffon vulture, which is endangered species, very important for protection ofnature, preventing expansion of various infectious diseases. Developed game shows what would happen if there is noenough prey population (carcass in the case of Uvac) and also when there is no enough predator population (griffon vulturein this case).

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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