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Resumen de Far from the Family Tree: Queering Genealogies and Literary Archives in Outono aquí by Mario Regueira

Danny Barreto

  • English

    This article offers an analysis of the ways in which Mario Regueira’s novel, Outono aquí, and its characters challenge the silence imposed upon non-hegemonic national and sexual identities and narratives. Outono aquí establishes—through a series of intertextual references—a literary genealogy that exceeds the limits of sexuality, language, and nation, to offer a queer Galician literary aesthetic that, far from marginal, can only be understood in a transnational and transhistoric context.

  • galego

    Este artigo presenta unha análise de Outono aquí de Mario Regueira, en particular, das formas nas que a novela e os seus personaxes resisten as forzas que silencian as narrativas e identidades nacionais e sexuais non hexemónicas. Outono aquí establece —por unha serie de referencias intertextuais— una xenealoxía literaria que supera os lindes da sexualidade, da lingua e da nación, e que ofrece unha estética literaria galega queer que, lonxe de ser marxinal, só pode entenderse nun contexto transnacional e transhistórico.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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