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Resumen de Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de las primeras murallas modernas de San Sebastián Gipuzkoa (1477-1529)

Manuel Ceberio Rodríguez, Miren de Miguel Lesaca

  • español

    El artículo ahonda en el conocimiento de las primeras fortificaciones construidas en San Sebastián adaptadas al uso de la artillería pirobalística. A partir de los datos documentales y arqueológicos se plantea un análisis de las características del sistema defensivo de la villa, desde las primeras obras de 1476 hasta los primeros pasos en la implantación del primer sistema abaluartado, así como de sus elementos de mayor interés, relacionándolos con algunos restos actualmente conservados.

  • English

    This article delves into the study of the first fortifications built in San Sebastian adapted to the use of piroballistic artillery. Based on documentary and archaeologic data, an analysis of the town’s defensive system is suggested, from the preliminary constructions in 1476 to the first steps towards the introduction of the first bastion system of fortifications, including its main points of interest and connecting them with some presently preserved remainders.

    The introduction of a defensive system adapted to the piroballistic artillery was not almost immediate but the result of a protracted process in which the continuous conflicts among the main European powers in the end of the XVth and the beginning of the XVIth centuries were an excellent testing ground. Given its position near the border with France, the biggest enemy of the Hispanic Monarchy, who would become the main power in Europe in the XVIth century, the fortification of the town of San Sebastian with the most modern defensive systems was a priority.

    Through the conducted research, it has been determined the age of the first rampart adapted to the piroballistic artillery, identifying the existing remainders and suggesting its author. This new rampart, a barrier, was begun in 1476 and was located in an advanced position in relation to the town’s medieval defensive system, which consisted of a surrounding wall with towers and gates. The barrier allowed for the adaptation of the existing medieval defensive system in order to deal with the use of artillery.

    New military confrontations will lead to the reinforcement of the barrier by means of the construction of a series of artillery towers since 1512.

    This paper allows for the progress in the understanding of a so far little known construction, identifying the names, location and characteristics of the towers and gates of its wall, which has been possible to rebuild in detail. It is also described in detail the 1528 project for the general refurbishment of the wall, finally cancelled after the construction since 1529 of the famous south front defensive system designed by Gabriele Tadino di Martinengo.

    Furthermore, this research also includes the so called La Mota Castle, who dominates the city from the top of Urgull mountain, and whose medieval characteristics we have reconstructed, identifying the first constructions of the current castle in 1528.

  • euskara

    Artikulu honek Donostian artileriaren inguruan eraikitako harresien ikerketa islatu nahi du. Datu documental eta arkeologikoei so eginez, hiriaren defentsa elementuak eta ezaugarriak aztertu eta haien analisi inguruko hipotesia proposatzen da, 1476ko lehen harresietatik baluarte sistemadun harresietara, interes haundieneko elementuak aztertuz eta gaur eguneko zenbait hondarrekin erlazionatuz.

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