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Resumen de Analysis of Determining the Leadership Approach and Factors Influencing Managerial Perceptions of the Agricultural Organizations’ President: an Empirical Exploration

Hasan Yilmaz, Çagla Örmeci Kart

  • English

    The goal of this paper was to identify the leadership approach and dimensions influencing the managerial perceptions of the agricultural organization’s president. This research was carried out with agricultural organization presidents by using questionnaires. For this purpose, 29 items were given to presidents and a Likert scale used for the degree of agreement of each item. Factor analysis, Cronbach alpha coefficient was situated to be 0.933. To specify the dimensions influencing the managerial perception of agricultural organization’s president principle component analysis with varimax rotation was used. Eigenvalue belongs to seven of 29 items was calculated higher than one. As a result of this analysis, seven dimensions were examined. These dimensions clarified 75.75% of the total variance. The main aspects influencing the managerial perception of agricultural organization’s president were constructed to be motivation and team spirit, the power of initiative, put the organization interests over their individual interests, devotion to duty, entrepreneurial spirit, empathy ability and sense of belonging to an organization.

  • English

    Para tal propósito, a los presidentes se les entregaron 29 ítems usando la escala de Likert para ver en qué grado estaban de acuerdo con cada ítem. En el análisis de factorial, el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach se ubicó en 0,933. Para especificar las dimensiones que influyen en la percepción gerencial del presidente de una organización agrícola se usó el análisis de componentes de principales con rotación Varimax. El valor propio se calculó por encima de 1 en siete de los 29 ítems. Como resultado de este análisis, se examinaron siete dimensiones. Esas dimensiones aclararon el 75,75% de la variación total. Se determine que los principales aspectos que influyeron en la percepción gerencial del presidente de una organización agrícola fueron la motivación y el espíritu de trabajo en equipo, el poder de la iniciativa, poner los intereses de la organización por encima de sus intereses individuales, la dedicación al deber, el espíritu emprendedor, la capacidad de empatía y el sentido de pertenencia a una organización

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