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Resumen de Emmanuel Carballo, incorruptible e impertinente.

Enrique Rodríguez Varela

  • español

    Se reporta un estudio de caso sobre violencia escolar que se realizó en un bachillerato de Aguascalientes. Se recuperó la perspectiva de directivos, docentes, estudiantes y familiares por medio de cuestionarios y entrevistas individuales y grupales. Se examinó la violencia escolar a partir de seis dimensiones: verbal, física, psicológica, daños materiales, violencia a través de las tic s y acoso escolar, buscando sus raíces estructurales y culturales. Se encontró que si bien se percibe un buen clima de relaciones, hay presencia de diversas manifestaciones de violencia en la escuela, algunas formas de las cuales se tienden a invisibilizar incorporándose como parte de la cultura escolar. Además, cuando las expresiones de violencia escolar se naturalizan por parte de docentes y directivos se inhibe la toma de acciones organizativo-estructurales para contrarrestarlas; en cambio, cuando se perciben como problemas graves se movilizan recursos para erradicarlas.

  • English

    A case study on school violence was reported in a high school in Aguascalientes. The perspective of managers, teachers, students and relatives was recovered through questionnaires and individual and group interviews. School violence was examined from six dimensions: verbal, physical, psychological, material damage, violence through tics and school bullying, looking for its structural and cultural roots. It was found that while a good climate of relationships is perceived, there are various manifestations of violence in the school, some of which tend to be made invisible as part of the school culture. In addition, when expressions of school violence are naturalized by teachers and managers, the taking of organizational-structural actions to counteract them is inhibited; On the other hand, when they are perceived as serious problems, resources are mobilized to eradicate them.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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