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Resumen de Real Expedición Botánica del siglo XVIII en Hispanoamérica: Defenestración y olvido a la participación de José Longinos Martínez y Garrido en la historiografía mexicana

José Francisco Bravo Moreno, Jorge Alberto Álvarez Díaz, Emilio Cervantes

  • This work deals with the participation of José Longinos Martínez y Garrido in the Royal Botanical Expedition of the eighteenth century in Spanish America. It begins by situating the reader within the historical facts that gave way to the expedition. Science and technology are contextualized within the society of that time, and a panoramic view is offered on the work and personality of Longinos in Mexico, including some of his academic debates with the Novo Hispanic intellectuals. It is considered the crucial historical fact of the outbreak of the War of Independence in Mexico. A brief criticism is made on some academic revisions that touch our subject from the second half of the twentieth to the twentieth first century. It closes with a consideration on the HispanoMexican egalitarian social project, contained in the biology textbooks directed by Enrique Beltrán, Enrique Rioja, Faustino Miranda and Francisco Alcaraz.

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