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Resumen de “Fighting a Hurricane”: Tobacco Industry Efforts to Counter the Perceived Threat of Islam.

Mark Petticrew, Kelley Lee, Haider Ali, Rima Nakkash

  • Islamic countries are of key importance to transnational tobacco companies as growing markets with increasing smoking rates. We analyzed internal tobacco industry documents to assess the industry's response to rising concerns about tobacco use within Islamic countries. The tobacco industry perceived Islam as a significant threat to its expansion into these emerging markets. To counter these concerns, the industry framed anti-smoking views in Islamic countries as fundamentalist and fanatica land attempted to recruit Islamic consultants to portray smoking as acceptable. Tobacco industry lawyers also helped develop theological arguments in favor of smoking. These findings are valuable to researchers and policymakers seeking to implement culturally appropriate measures in Islamic countries under the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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