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Resumen de Prensa, sociedad gallega y Martin Codax: ¿cómo divulgaron los periódicos la figura del trovador?

Ceferino de Blas

  • News about Martin Codax reached Galician society early on through the press. The news was announced by archaeologist Eladio Oviedo Arce and three writers from Vigo: Vesteiro Torres, Rodríguez Elías and Álvarez Blázquez, in different times.

    Vesteiro Torres is the first one to inform, in 1876, in El Heraldo Gallego newspaper, about the existence of a medieval poet who mentions Vigo in his poems. Rodríguez Elías was the first one to report on the discovery of the Vindel Parchment in the newspaper Faro de Vigo. He was also responsible for getting the city of Vigo to honor the poet by giving his name to a street in 1920. Álvarez Blázquez edited a Escolma de poesía medieval (Anthology of Medieval Poetry), which publicizes the medieval lyrical poets, and wrote a biography of Codax. It was thanks to him that a monument was erected in his honor in Vigo.

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