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Resumen de Futebol: a importância da mídia na popularização e no imaginário do brasileiro

Agnaldo Kupper

  • português

    Na transição da sociedade brasileira para uma vida urbana, o futebol ganhou proporção de esporte identificador de grupo através da expansão do espaço público. No processo de urbanização, ruas foram sendo habitadas e os encontros sociais foram se tornando mais frequentes. Neste sentido, o até então esporte das elites, tornou-se uma das principais atividades de lazer da população, acarretando novos comportamentos. É importante que se reflita sobre o papel da imprensa esportiva na formação da identidade nacional e na construção da memória através do resgate de imagens, fatos, êxitos e fracassos, até porque a ação da imprensa esportiva forma tradições através de apropriações do passado. ASBTRACT Football: the importance of the media in the popularization and imaginary of the BrazilianIn the transition from Brazilian society to an urban life, football has gained proportion of sport group identifier through the expansion of public space. In the process of urbanization, streets were being inhabited and social gatherings became more frequent. In this sense, the hitherto elite sport has become one of the main leisure activities of the population, leading to new behaviors. It is important to reflect on the role of the sports press in the formation of national identity and in the construction of memory through the rescue of images, facts, successes and failures, even because the action of the sports press forms traditions through appropriations from the past.

  • English

    In the transition from Brazilian society to an urban life, football has gained proportion of sport group identifier through the expansion of public space. In the process of urbanization, streets were being inhabited and social gatherings became more frequent. In this sense, the hitherto elite sport has become one of the main leisure activities of the population, leading to new behaviors. It is important to reflect on the role of the sports press in the formation of national identity and in the construction of memory through the rescue of images, facts, successes and failures, even because the action of the sports press forms traditions through appropriations from the past.

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