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Resumen de Emakume Abertzale Batza Bilbon

Miren Gurutze Ezkurdia Arteaga, Begoña Bilbao Bilbao, Karmele Pérez Urraza

  • English

    EAB, basque women's patriot organisation, for the first time, was set up in Bilbao from 1921 to 1922. Even though the desire for women was lowered by the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, but during the Republic, the leaders were organized for the second time, even stronger. The bloom of EAB is after this time. Although there were other movements in women in the Basque Country, the EAB made it possible to organize basque women and move from home to the world and political initiative, largely in Bilbao. In the article, we make historical reference of the aspects of EAB related to Bilbao, and we expose the work carried out by some women in thedisseminationof the JEL doctrine, in education and in social assistance

  • euskara

    Emakume Abertzale Batza, lehen aldiz, Bilbon eratu zen 1921-1922an. Emakumeennahiak Primo de Riveraren diktadurak apaldu bazituen ere, Errepublika garaian,bigarrenez antolatzen diraBatzako zuzendaritzakoak, are indartsuago. Ordukoa da EABren loraldia. Euskal Herrian emakumeen beste mugimendu batzuk ere izan ziren arren, EAB erakundeari esker, euskal emakumeek antolatzeko etaetxetik mundura eta ekimen politikora irteteko urrats nabarmena eman zuten, zati handi batean, Bilbon bertan. Artikuluan zertzelada historikoak erabiliz, Bilbori lotutako emakumeen ekarpena islatu dugu, JELen zabalkundean, hezkuntzan eta ongintza alorrean izan zuten protagonismoa bereziki nabarmenduz.

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