Este artículo surge de una investigación realizada en 2013, con el objetivo de explorar en las consecuencias personales, familiares y sociales que ha significado vivir (parte de) la maternidad tras las rejas de los centros penitenciarios. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres en las cárceles de Catalunya. El análisis crítico del discurso feminista nos llevó a resultados que evidencian cómo la visión tradicional de maternidad es un factor que complejiza su devenir carcelario; sentimientos de culpa, al sentir que han fallado en su rol como madres. El aporte de este estudio gira en torno a develar la triple condena (social, familiar y penal) que enfrentan las madres encarceladas, la que se fortalece por las dinámicas internas de los centros penitenciarios.
This article is the result of a research carried out in 2013 with the aim of exploring the personal, family and social consequences that living (part of) motherhood behind bars in prison has meant. Semi structured interviews were conducted with women in prisons in Catalonia. The critical analysis of feminist discourse lead to some thought-provoking results. Significantly, how the traditional view of motherhood is a factor that complicates women’s lives in prison. Feelings of guilt, self-blame can be overwhelming. The sentiment that they have failed in their role as mothers is significant. The contribution of this study revolves around unveiling the triple condemnation (social, family and criminal) faced by imprisoned mothers. This is strengthened by the internal dynamics in the penitentiary centers.
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