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Resumen de Estructuras para ferrocarril en la ciudad industrial de Jubail, Arabia Saudí

Guillermo Santamaría Caballero, Javier Antón Díaz, Cristina Martín Nieto, Ignacio Abad González

  • español

    La administración ferroviaria de Arabia Saudí, SAR, va a desarrollar la red ferroviaria de Jubail, la ciudad industrial más grande del mundo. El proyecto preliminar y constructivo de dicha red fue encomendado a INTECSA-INARSA en el año 2012. Consta de 49km de doble vía no electrificada, divididos en 7 líneas que recorren las calles y corredores de Jubail para conectar las industrias con la red nacional, el puerto industrial King Fahad (KFIP) y el puerto comercial (JCP).

    El trazado interfiere con las numerosas infraestructuras existentes, principalmente tuberías vitales para las industrias, por lo que se han diseñado 65 estructuras de paso. En concreto:

    1 viaducto ferroviario, KRT-RB1, de 310m en sección cajón de hormigón postesado, con un vano principal de 85m ejecutado por voladizos sucesivos.

    18 viaductos ferroviarios de vigas prefabricadas doble T postesadas in-situ.

    3 viaductos carreteros de vigas prefabricadas postesadas in-situ.

    1 losa pilotada modular (1300m).

    27 pórticos prefabricados para protección de tuberías superficiales.

    10 marcos para paso de caminos y canales.

    Otras tipologías aisladas, orientadas a solucionar problemáticas particulares: losas aligeradas, tableros apoyados en micropilotes exentos, rellenos ligeros armados sobre tuberías...

    La estructura principal de este proyecto es el viaducto ferroviario KRT-RB1. Las luces son 34.50-42.75-42.75-60.00-85.00-45.00m y el canto del tablero varía entre 3.10m y 7.00m.

    Los vanos más cortos se construyen cimbrados fase a fase. Como particularidad, los vanos 4 y 6, adyacentes al vano principal, también se construyen cimbrados, ejecutando solamente los 85m de dicho vano principal (sobre instalaciones industriales existentes) mediante voladizos sucesivos.

    Las estructuras ferroviarias se han diseñado siguiendo la normativa AREMA, siendo la AASHTO de aplicación para los puentes de carretera. Es relevante mencionar que el tren de cargas de diseño fue el COOPER-E80, aproximadamente un 40% más pesado que el UIC-71. Este aspecto, junto con los mayores coeficientes de seguridad contemplados por dicha norma, ha motivado ratios canto/luz y cuantías sensiblemente diferentes a las habituales...

  • English

    The Saudi Railway Company (SAR) is establishing a freight railway network within Jubail, the biggest industrial city in the world. INTECSA-INARSA was awarded the Preliminary and Detailed Design of this network in 2012. It comprises 49km of non-electrified double track in 7 different lines along Jubail streets and corridors to connect industries with King Fahad Industrial Port (KFIP) and Jubail Comercial Port (JCP), as well as the National Railways.

    The rail alignment interferes with various existing obstacles, mainly pipeline corridors which are vital for industries, so 65 new structures have been designed. Specifically:

    1 railway bridge, KRT-RB1, a 310m long post-tensioned concrete box girder, including an 85m long span to be constructed using the cantilever method.

    18 railway bridges (precast in-situ post-tensioned I beams).

    3 road bridges (precast in-situ post-tensioned I beams).

    1 modular concrete slab on piles (1300m).

    27 precast frame culverts to protect above-ground pipelines.

    10 box culverts for roads and canals.

    Other specific typologies, focused to solve particular problems: voided slabs, micropile supported decks, MSE walls with light infill over pipelines corridors...

    The main structure of the project is the KRT-RB1 viaduct. It has 6 spans of 34.50-42.75-42.75-60.00-85.00-45.00m, and the depth of the deck varies from 3.10m to 7.00m. Shorter spans are designed following a span-by-span construction on conventional falsework. Indeed, both fourth 4th and 6th spans, adjacent to the main span, were also designed on conventional falsework, while the 85m long main span (over existing industrial facilities) is the only one to be constructed with cantilever method.

    Railway structures have been designed according to AREMA, while AASHTO has been used to design road structures. It is remarkable that the AREMA design live load, COOPER-E80 (EM 360), is approximately 40% higher than UIC-71 load model. This, in addition to AREMA higher safety factors, has led to rather unusual depth/span ratios and steel quantities.

    In spite of the technical challenges of the project, the more difficult task has been to join all the agents involved in the project. They have been numerous and culturally very diverse, starting from the consulting force, composed of multidisciplinary teams of different companies of SNC-Lavalin Group (INTECSA-INARSA, Interfleet, SNC-Lavalin-Arabia), to the client SAR, the city governmental organization (Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu) or the utilities owners affected by the project.

    The bidding of the project has been done and the construction is ongoing.

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