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Resumen de Antecedentes de algunos lineamientos de la estrategia de Aristóteles frente al negador del principio de no contradicción en el Sofista de Platón

Pilar Spangemberg

  • The purpose of this paper is to show that in the Sophist Plato develops a dialectical strategy that appeals to necessary conditions of language as a fundamental step toward establishing some principles of his ontology. This strategy constitutes a clear antecedent of the elenctic refutation offered by Aristotle in Metaphysics Gamma 4 against the denier of the principle of non-contradiction and could be described as transcendental because it refers to conditions without which there wouldn’t be any speech. The paper aims to show that such a strategy is used both by Plato and Aristotle to deal with radical adversaries whose refutation allows the establishment of basic theses of their own philosophies.

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