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Resumen de Ortopedia en aves: fractura de tibia en Pavo Real de Java

Tomás Fernández González, Lucía Gómez Arcos, Ana Ríos Boeta

  • español

    En este artículo pretendemos hacer una introducción práctica a la ortopedia en aves, mediante la descripción detallada de una intervención quirúrgica a un Pavo Real con una fractura de tibia que fue resuelta por fijación externa. * In this paper we have tried to do a practical introduction about ortbopedics in birds. The study has been done by a surgical operation in a peacoce with a tibia fracture, which was solved by external fixation.

  • English

    In this paper we have tried to do a practical introduction about ortbopedics in birds. The study has been done by a surgical operation in a peacoce with a tibia fracture, which was solved by external fixation.

Fundación Dialnet

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