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Resumen de Hernia Diafragmática Peritoneopericárdica en el gato: caso clínico

Ana Ríos Boeta, Lucía Gómez Arcos, Tomás Fernández González

  • español

    Se describe un caso clínico de hernia diafragmática congénita peritoneo-pericárdica en un gato persa de ocho semanas de edad. Los signos clínicos más importantes eran la disnea y taquipnea en reposo. Se auscultaron sonidos cardíacos apagados en ambos lados del tórax y el ECG mostraba una taquicardia sinusal. Las radiografías torácicas evidenciaron una silueta cardíaca muy aumentada y de forma redondeada, una fusión del borde caudal cardíaco y el lado ventral del diafragma, y una posición anormal del estómago. La laparotomía abdominal descubrió la casi total herniación del hígado en saco pericárdico. El defecto se corrigió quirúrgícamenre. Se discute la muerte del animal provocada por neumotórax, secuela de la intervención. * Congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragrnatic hernia in an eight weeks old persian cat is described. Dyspnea and taquipnea at rest were the main clinical signs. Muffled heart sounds were asculted on both sides of the torax. ECC and X- Ray series were performed showing sinusal taquicardia, a targe circular cardiac silhouette, ouerlap of the diaphragrnatic and caudal heart borders, and an anormal position of the stomach. Abdominal laparotomy revealed that the greater part of the liver was herniated into the pericardial sac. The defect was repaired by surgical correction. The animal died as a result of pneumotorax produced by the intervention. The sequelae are discussed.

  • English

    Congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragrnatic hernia in an eight weeks old persian cat is described. Dyspnea and taquipnea at rest were the main clinical signs. Muffled heart sounds were asculted on both sides of the torax. ECC and X- Ray series were performed showing sinusal taquicardia, a targe circular cardiac silhouette, ouerlap of the diaphragrnatic and caudal heart borders, and an anormal position of the stomach. Abdominal laparotomy revealed that the greater part of the liver was herniated into the pericardial sac. The defect was repaired by surgical correction. The animal died as a result of pneumotorax produced by the intervention. The sequelae are discussed.

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