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Resumen de Aportación al diagnóstico y cirugía de la cavidad nasal

A. Prats, A. Obach

  • español

    Tras una revisión de las técnicas empleadas actualmente en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los procesos patológicos de la cavidad nasal en perros y gatos se describe una técnica nueva en medicina veterinaria, similar a la utilizada con frecuencia en medicina humana, para el abordaje de la cavidad nasal a través del surco gingivolabial superior. Esta vía permite la aplicación más cómoda y más profunda de los métodos diagnósticos habituales y de la cirugía curativa o paliativa esperada en la mayoría de los casos. * Having made a whole review of the techniques used at present in the diagnostic and treatment of the pathological processes of the nasal cavity in dogs and cats, it 's described a new technique in veterinary surgery, which is like the one used frequently in human medicine, to the approach to the nasal cavity through the upper gingioobuccal sulcus. This way allows a more comfortable and deep application of the current diagnostical methods and the wanted palliative or curatiue surgery in most of the cases.

  • English

    Having made a whole review of the techniques used at present in the diagnostic and treatment of the pathological processes of the nasal cavity in dogs and cats, it 's described a new technique in veterinary surgery, which is like the one used frequently in human medicine, to the approach to the nasal cavity through the upper gingioobuccal sulcus. This way allows a more comfortable and deep application of the current diagnostical methods and the wanted palliative or curatiue surgery in most of the cases.

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