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Resumen de Estudio clínico de un brote de peritonitis infecciosa felina

Margarita Martín Castillo, A. Monferrer Ballester

  • español

    Se describe un brote de peritonitis infecciosa felina (P. L. F) en una comunidad de 6 gatos. La baja prevalencia de la enfermedad, la inespecificidad de sus síntomas y la complejidad del diagnóstico dieron como resultado que sólo se detectase la enfermedad en e! estudio ana tomo patológico post-mortern del primer caso. Posteriormente, este diagnóstico se confirmó mediante necropsia y análisishistopatológico de otro de los gatos que contrajeron la enfermedad. No se ha encontrado ninguna referencia anterior de esta enfermedad en España, por lo que creemos que se trata de la primera descripción de P. L. F en nuestro país. * An outbreak offeline infectious peritonitis (F. l. P. ) is described in a community of six cats. The low prevalence of the disease, the non-specific nature of its symptoms and the complexity of diagnosis gave, as their result, that it could only be detected in the post-mortem anatornical-pathological study of the first case. Later on, this diagnosis was supported by means of the necropsy and histopathological analysis of one of the other cats that caught the disease. No previous reference to this disease has been found in Spain, due to which we belieue this may be considered as thefirst description of Feline Infectious Peritonitis in our country.

  • English

    An outbreak offeline infectious peritonitis (F. l. P. ) is described in a community of six cats. The low prevalence of the disease, the non-specific nature of its symptoms and the complexity of diagnosis gave, as their result, that it could only be detected in the post-mortem anatornical-pathological study of the first case. Later on, this diagnosis was supported by means of the necropsy and histopathological analysis of one of the other cats that caught the disease. No previous reference to this disease has been found in Spain, due to which we belieue this may be considered as thefirst description of Feline Infectious Peritonitis in our country.

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