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Resumen de Tres enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas.

J. López López

  • español

    183 casos de babesiosis diagnosticados mediante la visualización del parásito en frotis de sangre procedente de la oreja y teñida con colorante de Wright fueron observados en una clínica de Orense (noroeste de España) durante el período comprendido entre el l de enero de 1991 y el 31 de diciembre de 1992. Concomitantemente, en 19 casos se observaron mórulas de Ehrlichia canis y en otro caso se diagnosticó enfermedad canina de Lyme mediante inmunofluorescencia indirecta. En el presente trabajo se quiere resaltar, en primer lugar, la periodicidad con que se presenta la babesiosis,a juzgar por los datos obtenidos en los dos años de estudio, puesto que no se observa un aumento de casos en las épocas de primavera y otoño-invierno y una presencia escasa o nula en los meses de julio y agosto, época en la cual hemos observado un mayor nivel de parasitación por garrapatas en los perros. Asimismo se complementa el trabajo con un estudio hemático, bioquímico y de orina en perros diagnosticados de babesiosis y se describen dos casos que murieron en la clínica, diagnosticados de babesiosis, de los cuales se tomaron muestras para estudio histopatológico de hígado, pulmón, corazón, bazo, ganglios linfáticos y riñones. * 183 cases of babesiosis diagnosed by means of visualization of the parasite in blood smears taken from the ear and dyed with Wright solution, were observed in a Veterinary clinic in Orense (northwest Spain) during the periodJanuary 1,1991 to December 31, 1992. Simultaneously, Ehrlichia canis were observed in 19 cases and in another case Lyme disease was diagnosed by means of indirect immunofluorescence. This paper primarily intends to emphasize the periodicity with which babesiosis appears judging by the data obtained in the two years study, based on an in crease in cases during spring-autumn and winter seasons, and a slight or non existant appearance during the months of July and August, the season in which a higher level of ticks parasitation is observed in dogs. Equally this paper is complemented by hematic, biochemical and urine analyses of the dogs diagnosed with babesiosis as well as the description of two cases, which died in the Hospital, also diagnosed a babesiosis. From these two later cases, we took part of the liver, lung, heart, spleen, lymphatic and kidney for histopathology study.

  • English

    183 cases of babesiosis diagnosed by means of visualization of the parasite in blood smears taken from the ear and dyed with Wright solution, were observed in a Veterinary clinic in Orense (northwest Spain) during the periodJanuary 1,1991 to December 31, 1992. Simultaneously, Ehrlichia canis were observed in 19 cases and in another case Lyme disease was diagnosed by means of indirect immunofluorescence. This paper primarily intends to emphasize the periodicity with which babesiosis appears judging by the data obtained in the two years study, based on an in crease in cases during spring-autumn and winter seasons, and a slight or non existant appearance during the months of July and August, the season in which a higher level of ticks parasitation is observed in dogs. Equally this paper is complemented by hematic, biochemical and urine analyses of the dogs diagnosed with babesiosis as well as the description of two cases, which died in the Hospital, also diagnosed a babesiosis. From these two later cases, we took part of the liver, lung, heart, spleen, lymphatic and kidney for histopathology study.

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